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Contracting: how to stay ahead of the game

In many ways there’s never been a better time to be a contractor in project management: the 2018 APM Salary and Market Trends Survey showed confidence and satisfaction levels were high, day rates had remained at an average £450 and more people were working on longer-term contracts that offer greater stability.


Babcock take the honours at the finals

With true Scottish tradition, after three months of tough project management, six teams took up the mantle and entered the APM Scotland branch Project Challenge Finals.

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What APM delegates want to know about the future

At the APM Project Management Conference 2018, award winning futurist and keynote speaker Rohit Talwar helped delegates scan the horizon for the next 30 years exploring how trends, technology and ways of working will impact our lives and our projects.


Was the Carillion collapse foreseeable? Yes!

When Carillion became insolvent, it seemingly took many by surprise, but was it really a ‘surprise’ ? And importantly, what can we learn from it so that we do not appoint providers for our projects who then become insolvent? This evening workshop event, held on Wednesday 9 May, was themed around spotting the warning signs, taking practical steps to protect your organisation and project, and dealing with provider insolvency.