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Updates to APM qualification suite 2018/2019

Updates to APM qualification suite 2018/2019 Responding to international growth of APM membership and rising demand from outside the UK for APM qualifications APM is now updating its current suite of qualifications.


Enabling Change SIG Newsletter, June 2018

Newsletter contents Welcome from our (acting) Chair Innovative Quality Solutions –  Digital Transformation in Higher Education, 10 September 2018 (webinar) Upcoming elections, communications and Practitioner Groups Past event: Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service - A journey of change, 6 February 2018 (webinar) Past event: Inspiring positive change in complex and uncertain times, our annual conference, 22 March 2018, London Past event: PMOs and organisational change, 23 May 2018, London Public Services Change Practitioner Group Methods and Standards Theme 1.


Out to save the world

Why climate change and sustainability are fundamental to every project manager’s work.

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Tackling the legal sector

How can the Legal sector tackle its lagging project management maturity?  That was the challenge posed at APM’s first networking forum for legal project managers.