Northern Ireland Branch celebrate 25 years with special event
The APM Northern Ireland branch celebrates its 25th anniversary this year and will be hosting an event to look at the future of project management for the next 25 years.
The APM Northern Ireland branch celebrates its 25th anniversary this year and will be hosting an event to look at the future of project management for the next 25 years.
The Project Challenge Expo is back on 9-10 October, and once again APM will be supporting the event.
The Yorkshire & North Lincolnshire branch was pleased to welcome Glyn Utting to present an inspiring talk on one of his post disaster construction projects on 11 September 2018.
PMOs inherently bring change to organisations, but what happens when they are both effecting change and affected by the change themselves? Following on from their May event, this lessons learned webinar on Thursday 27 September 2018 explored this juxtaposition and helped build confidence in dealing with transformational change that affects entire organisations.
PM research suggests that the number of women in major project leadership roles is improving – but the pace of change is still too slow.
Graham Winch, Dr Eunice Maytorena-Sanchez and Dr Natalya Sergeeva introduce the three domains model An axiom of our profession is that it is about temporary organising.
APM Women in Project Management SIG – Autumn Newsletter 2018 Follow us on social mediaOur linkedIn group APM Women In Project Management SIG or via twitter @apmwipmsig #apmwipm #WiPMNewsletter contents1.
According to the recent report by Deloitte “At a tipping point? Workplace mental health and well-being”, low levels of employee well-being negatively impacts productivity, but more importantly it has a significant impact on employees’ overall health.
Despite committed effort and improvements across many aspects of project delivery, business results are poor.
We Are Futures.