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Pedal to the metal

Rolls-Royce is an iconic brand name in Britain and renowned for its engineering worldwide.


Houston, we have a problem

How much will it cost? When will you deliver results? How will you assure delivery? These are typical questions that we can expect at the start of a project.


Leading the way

Ben Hargreaves meets APM’s new chief executive, Debbie Dore, to hear about her vision for the organisation, the future of the profession and the value of driving New APM chief executive Debbie Dore resides in the Cotswolds.

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The man who hacked his career

Charles Orton-Jones meets Sebastian Harris, who has tapped into the burgeoning cybersecurity industry in style “I think cybersecurity is sexy.

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New to APM: Digital badges

APM is proud to launch its latest initiative and member benefit: Digital badges, a brand-new platform for project professionals to demonstrate their accomplishments achieved through APM.