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Lessons from Major Projects and Programmes: APM responds to new report

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Association for Project Management (APM), the chartered body for the project profession, has responded to the findings in a new report by Parliamentary Public Account Committee.

The report, titled Lessons from Major Projects and Programmes highlights a number of points around the Government’s management of its major projects. It also draws a number of conclusions and recommendations. APM has welcomed the focus on the importance of good execution of major project delivery across government.

Debbie Dore, chief executive of APM, said: 

“We welcome the committee’s recognition of the importance of skills capability and capacity in helping to strengthen project leadership and ministerial understanding of project delivery across government. Systemic training for all will support more effective delivery of the Government's existing and future portfolio of major projects, and specifically the National Infrastructure Strategy.

“We look forward to working in partnership with the Infrastructure and Projects Authority to enable this boost to capability. The forthcoming launch of the Government Project Academy can play a vital role in turbo-charging this effort to improve delivery skills.”

The full report, Lessons from Major Projects and Programmes, is available to read here.


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  1. Stephen Robinson
    Stephen Robinson 03 February 2021, 12:37 PM

    Well done Debbie with being so quick off the mark in responding to the Public Accounts Committee report by offering APM support in partnership with the Infrastructure & Projects Authority. The APM’s strength in providing professional standards for project delivery capability and signposting appropriate learning opportunities has the potential to be a vital enabler in the achievement of the Committee’s recommendations

  2. Ian Koenig
    Ian Koenig 04 February 2021, 01:50 PM

    APM could: - publish the reports conclusions and six recommendations (pages 5-7) - provide the url link for the report and supporting documents - fully accept and support the six recommendations