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Leicester City Covid-19 Testing Programme webinar

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This virtual event provided an overview of how Leicester City Council introduced from a standing start in March 2020 their Covid-19 testing programme and how project management techniques have been used. This webinar was held on 10 March 2021.

By joining this webinar you obtained an overview of the main elements covered:

  • Application and transfer of knowledge/skill sets
  • Setting objectives
  • Programme management
  • Resource management
  • Stakeholder management
  • Operational delivery
  • Technology/innovation
  • Knowledge transfer and Lessons learned


Matthew Wallace is the Director of Estates and Building Services at Leicester City Council, the largest asset owner and occupier across the City of Leicester. Formerly a Partner at Arcadis / EC Harris, Matt brings pan-European experience around asset management, urban regeneration and sustainable development to Leicester that improves the quality of life in the City.

Matt is a passionate professional, a past national Chairman of the RICS matrics who has also previously held an elected seat on RICS’ International Governing Council as well as many other board level roles.


Colin McCarthy is principal of McCarthy, Lilburn & Partners, Chartered Quantity Surveyors and Project Managers, with 43 years of experience within the UK and overseas working for governments and private clients. Colin has experience on a wide range of project types including schools, housing developments, offices, factories and healthcare projects. He is a former Chair of APMNI and current committee member.

Matthew has very kindly allowed his presented material to be made available for viewing.
The slides on Slideshare and the webinar recording on YouTube is now available in our APM resources area and also embedded below for reference.

This event is suitable for professionals with any level of experience.

Previous presentations and webinars can be viewed on the APM Slideshare and YouTube channels

Follow @APMEvents for upcoming event information.

 #apmwebinar #apmnib

APM Body of Knowledge 7th edition reference

Section Description
Implementing strategy
Assurance, learning and maturity
Establishing governance and oversight
Engaging stakeholders
Leading teams
Working professionally
Defining outcomes
Integrated planning



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